The program covers a combination of topics in technologies and their effective application infinding solutionsto business problems. The focus of the Information Systems at SSST is on technical analysis, systems design and application, providing candidates with a strong set of skills needed for effective design and system implementation. In addition to topics in Information Systems, the program delivers in-depth coverage of relevant areas in mathematics and computational theories.
Throughout the course of their academic study, our students are equipped with a range of technical skills in hardware, software, methodologies and business processes related to Information Systems. In result, our graduates are successful at developing and managing organization of information systems that provide technical and business value to a vast array of enterprises.

“Throughout their studies, students are continuously pushed to improve their skills in analyzing, designing, implementing, and managing information technology systems, by engaging in academic and applied research programs and activities. Alongside creating graduated specialists in the filed of information systems, we also strive to make valuable contributions to our community by collaborations with business enterprises. Therefore, it is clearly understandable that the motto of our department is: Everything is possible – even the Impossible, we read as I'm possible!"
Dr. Kemal Taljanović, Former Dean of Information Systems Department (Oct. 2012 - Oct. 2015)
“As there are more and more devices and systems that collect data, it is more and more important to be able to manipulate that data and make use of it. Our CS/ IS program exposes you to topics and hands-on experience that introduce you to gathering and storing the data in an organized manner, but also to retrieving the right data at the right time, by using simple reports, all the way to running highly sophisticated algorithms to find hidden knowledge in your data. Being able to control the data, puts you in the driver’s seat of your future, future of your company and the future of our society overall.“
Amer Hadžikadić MSc, Information Systems Department
“Field of Information Systems is an excellent example of an area where thinking outside the box brings great results. IS faculty encourages students to explore their abilities in the best possible way by providing them various opportunities. It allows students to experience how things operate in the real world, improve their analytical thinking and secure a strong foundation for further specialization.”
Amila Šabić, SSST student, Information Systems Department (minor in Economics)
“The Department of Information Systems provides a perfect blend of project management, programming and business. Students are able to utilize their knowledge in computer science and project management and combine it with various business skills in order to create a solid platform for their future careers. All in all, this is a department that best combines the two worlds: computers and economics.”
Emil Klapija, SSST student, Information Systems Department (minor in Economics)
Belma Ramić-Brkić, PhD
Dean of the CS Department
The Department of Computer Science and Information Systems is unique in many ways. We teach students not only the material from the assigned textbooks and cover a range of practical sessions, but also strive to instill in them self-confidence, independence, openmindedness and aspiriton to excell.
We partner with industry professionals to achieve these goals, bringing great diversity to opportunities offered to our students.
We are constantly updating our programs to meet practical demands and to make sure our students are introduced to the most relevant topics that will ensure employment. In fact, the most important indicator of the quality of our work is the fact that all our fourth year students secure employment before they even graduate.
Their employability, and the skills they demonstrate in the field, remains our most valuable asset and strenght.
We prepare students for modern workspaces with quality practical knowledge.