SSST - Sarajevo School of Science and Technology
SSST - Sarajevo School of Science and Technology SSST - Sarajevo School of Science and Technology

Office of Research and Project Administration - ORPA's mission is both multifaceted and singular in focus: to identify and secure externally sponsored research and programmatic funding that advances the University's vision and goals.

Office of Research and Project Administration - ORPA's mission is both multifaceted and singular in focus: to identify and secure externally sponsored research and programmatic funding that advances the University's vision and goals.
Edis Arifagić
Edis Arifagić Director of the Research and Innovation Office
Amina Katica
Amina Katica
Selma Dedović
Selma Dedović
Mersiha Muranović
Mersiha Muranović
Lejla Kadrić, MSc
Lejla Kadrić, MSc Senior Teaching Assistant

ORPA recognizes the complexity and challenges inherent in progressing from an idea to a fully funded project. Committed to supporting the University’s research community through every phase of this process, ORPA guides researchers through the initial stages of proposal writing and navigates the complexities of formal funding applications, ensuring that each project aligns with their programmatic vision and adheres to the highest standards of administrative compliance.

ORPA's role extends beyond facilitation; as direct implementers of strategically important projects, ORPA contributes to the University's overarching mission, ensuring that ambitious research initiatives are successfully realized.

Main Service Lines: Nurturing Excellence Through Support

ORPA's services are meticulously designed to address the comprehensive needs of the research community, including:

Administrative Compliance and Programmatic Support: ORPA identifies available funding opportunities, assists with grant development and application, and provides post-award support encompassing legal, administrative, and financial considerations. Coordination efforts span various academic units and departments, ensuring a cohesive approach to research and development.

Project Implementation: ORPA actively engages in project design and development, fundraising, and project administration, including contracting and outsourcing. This holistic approach ensures that each project is nurtured from conception to completion.

Networking and Collaboration: Recognizing the importance of collaboration, ORPA fosters relationships with bilateral and multilateral donors and other research and educational institutions. The administration of Erasmus programs exemplifies ORPA's commitment to international collaboration and educational exchange.

ORPA is committed to expanding the University's global presence, facilitating the creation of links between individual researchers and their regional counterparts, establishing policies on academic mobility, designating departmental contact points for mobility, and increasing the number of mobility opportunities for both students and staff.

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