SSST - Sarajevo School of Science and Technology
SSST - Sarajevo School of Science and Technology SSST - Sarajevo School of Science and Technology

The University Alumni network is an invaluable tool for SSST graduates. The SSST Alumni Association stands as an effective vehicle for networking and provides valuable business and social contacts throughout the world.

The University Alumni network is an invaluable tool for SSST graduates. The SSST Alumni Association stands as an effective vehicle for networking and provides valuable business and social contacts throughout the world.

For the University, the Alumni Association not only allows us to keep in contact with our graduates but also serves to support SSST in areas such as marketing, career advice and fund raising. Their voices are important to us in mapping the future of the University and we encourage them to remain involved, both with us and with each other.

The Alumni are the greatest testament to the quality of any given University, its most potent reference and the mirror of its achievements. For more information abot the SSST Alumni Association, please contact our Student Services.

SSST graduates develop careers at leading companies in the region and beyond. We have quite impressive statistics as a testament to that:

Around 20% of SSST graduates get accepted to the best post-graduate programmes around the world.

Approximately 90% of SSST graduatess are employed within 6 months after their graduation.

Take a look at the SSST Alumni Map that shows the continuance of our graduates' academic careers at top universities worldwide:

SSST Ambassador Club 

The SSST Ambassador Club is open to passionate and proactive alumni living abroad who will represent our institution to prospective international students and provide information about our university. We seek diversity in language, nationality, and background to ensure that the entire SSST student body is well represented. SSST ambassadors strengthen our connections worldwide and give future students and their families insight into SSST and the benefits of studying in Sarajevo.

All those interested in joining our SSST Ambassadors network can contact us at

Words from our alumni

We are proud to feature in this page some of our former students, offering their reflections on time spent with us and encouraging us all with ever growing successes in their academic and professional life following SSST.

“Study programs at SSST are rigorous, challenging but most of all rewarding. Group discussions, debates, presentations, team work, have all prepared me for a career path and the position at the International Republican Institute where, among other things, I am promoting women in politics and educating young, future leaders of Bosnia and Herzegovina. As an alumnus I feel as part of the SSST family and we look forward to engaging future SSST students.”

Amila Karačić, SSST Graduate (BSc in Information Systems, minor in Political Science)

"I am currently in my 4th year of Computer Science PhD at Stony Brook University in New York. My research is in algorithms and data structures for massive data sets. During a school year, I mostly pursue these theoretical endeavours; during summers I try to put theory into practice. In summer 2011, I had a software engineering internship with Microsoft Corporation in Seattle, where I worked on a team that brings cloud computing services to businesses. I plan to go back to Seattle next summer, because of the great work, co-workers, mountains and the salmon! I have graduated from SSST about 4 years ago, and looking back at my undergraduate years, I have two main memories, both including late nights spent in the lab. The first one is about the ACM Online UVa Judge. The ACM is an electronic judge system, like Topcoder, where you can pick a problem from the online archive, solve it, and submit your program to the judge. In a matter of seconds, you receive a reply as to whether your solution has been accepted, or should you try again. For one of our courses in the 2nd semester, we were required to solve one ACM problem per day. I learned a tremendous deal this way, trying to solve algorithmic problems, even before I knew any algorithms. My second memory has to do with our final course projects. Most courses at SSST had such projects, that required a group of students to build something together, that functions well and looks good, and has a sleek documentation. Then we would present our `product' in front of a large audience. By the time we were seniors, many students became proficient at public speaking, working in teams, and problem-solving. I think that SSST equips students with the right tools to join the work-force prepared. Education at SSST is modern and different, and I highly recommend it to everyone who wants to challenge themselves and enjoy the process at the same time."

Džejla Međedović, SSST Graduate (BSc in Computer Science, minor in Electrical Engineering)

"When I chose SSST, I figured – if I’m paying for it, it must be easier to get a degree. That was a mistake, I failed twice and took two extra years to complete my degree! I wanted a piece of paper but what I got were courses in subjects I cared about. During my studies at the Information Systems Department, working in SSST labs when I should have been in lectures, I started my first company. This company developed and owned the hugely successful social media website: In my third year of study I built a new firm which now operates Today I am the CEO of this company – the leader on the national market and a major player regionally. Right after obtaining my degree, I founded a company in Montenegro (PikPay), and another domestic company which is in charge of running a group buying, coupon based website ( Both of these companies are self operational and I’m just Member of the Board. I think I want more education and am thinking of somehow creating time for an MSc. I definitely want access to bigger markets! To new generations of SSST students I say, do not expect to become millionaires over night. In business, as in life, success usually comes from some nobler motivation – a wish to contribute to or promote your community, locally, regionally, globally. Money should be a bonus, never primary focus."

Emir Pilavdžić, Alumni (BSc in Information Systems)

„I believe the future of BiH education is indeed private education, with SSST being the leader. Although an SSST degree guaranties employment to all students after graduation, I had the privilege to be granted a position as an assistent at the SSST Economics Department. I have also entered SSST's graduate programme and am working on my MSc, excited to grasp the future and meet its challenges, with SSST as a reliable guide and partner.“

Ena Nožić, SSST Graduate (BSc in Economics, minor in International Business)

“SSST has given me the knowledge, confidence and academic curiosity based on which I have decided to continue my MA studies in the UK. As a recipient of the British Chevening Scholarship, I am writing this from the library of the London School of Economics where I am studying for my master in Information Systems, with plans to go back to BiH and put my knowledge into practice as well as contribute to the SSST community. “

Ena Šahović, SSST Graduate (BSc in Information Systems, minor in Economics)

"After graduating from the demanding Evanston Township High School, I sought new and challenging ways to expand my horizons, and enrolled in the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC). After a few semesters, for whatever reason, I found myself stagnating and hence decided to explore other possibilities. After a lot of research, I discovered a unique international university located in my city, the old Olympic capital, Sarajevo. The Sarajevo School of Science and Technology, offered its graduates both a local diploma and a degree from the University of Buckingham in the United Kingdom. I was surprised to find that this private university was perfect for students with great ambition, but a budget to contend with. I still find myself reflecting on my four years at SSST. The experience, needless to say, was invaluable. And I feel that it is important that students know the advantages of attending a university as dynamic and passionately dedicated as SSST has proven to be over the years. It was one of the greatest personal investments I have ever made, as it not only allowed me to experience my own native country, but to get a top level degree at a low cost. I consider myself lucky to have had the opportunity to learn from such devoted professors and feel overwhelming gratitude to them for believing in me and pushing me to succeed every step of the way. After graduating I was accepted for a Masters programme at the John’s Hopkins University in Washington, DC. In addition, I was chosen, out of 150 applicants, for an internship at the United Nations. Working for the United Nations was a dream come true. I deferred my Master' studies and am currently working for Amnesty International, as part of their Communication Unit in Chicago, USA. To be honest, I do not know whether or not I would have grown into such an ambitious and determined individual had I stayed in America and pursued my degree there. After twelve years of living and educating myself in the USA, coming back to Bosnia and enrolling at SSST was just the challenge and motivation I needed to propel myself forward. It is precisely because of such an experience that I see the world for what it is; a place where one’s possibilities are endless! Sometimes all we need is the right guidance and the proper motivation to succeed."

Enđi Zulfić, Alumni (BSc in Political Science and International Relations, minor in EU Integrations/International Organizations)

"I remember the day I saw the call for entries of the University Sarajevo School of Science and Technology, published in the local newspaper. The University, among others, listed a department of Political Science, offering undergraduate programmes. I was immediately drawn by the fact that all classes were taught in English, with BiH and international academic staff, and the University had a close cooperation with UK's Buckingham University. This cooperation meant a dual degree, so you get a UK and a BiH diploma after completing your studies. Seeing my enthusiasm about the programme, my parents supported me and I sailed through the interview process and entrance examinations. As months passed, my enthusiasm did not wane, in fact just the opposite. The University atmosphere was wonderful, created by students, administrative staff and professors who were always friendly and available to students – which is not often the case at universities from our region. Sarajevo itself is a great place to study as it is the energetic cultural, economic and social centre of our country, offering all advantages of a European capital but with everything feeling closer, and at a hand’s reach. Even though, four years ago, we were the first generation of students to enroll in the Political Science and International Relations programme – a sort of a test phase really – there were no shortcomings. Everything was perfectly organized. I also found that learning German, in addition to English, during the first three years at the University, broadened my horizons. That and the additional field of specialization we chose after the first two years. I decided to take EU Integrations/International Organizations as my minor, a subject I always found interesting and very important for our country. Having completed my four years at SSST, I wanted to continue with graduate school and I was admitted to the highly prestigious Lund University in Sweden – one of the best universities in the world. I am now studying for a Master’s in the subject of my SSST specialization, a two-year degree course in European Integrations at Lund. I do hope that, after such a solid education I received at SSST, my further studies at Lund will prove equally rewarding and beneficial."

Mirza Trozić, SSST Graduate (BSc in Political Science and International Integrations, minor in EU Integrations/International Organizations )

"Upon completing my undergraduate degree at SSST I pursued graduate studies in educational technology at the University of Oxford, having been awarded full funding through the Weidenfeld Scholarships and Leadership Programme. Looking back I can say that the benefits of my exposure to the SSST experience were two-fold: it instilled in me the confidence to compete at an international level and enabled the precondition to do so, through offering a double degree. Universities are communities made up of people – teachers and students. If you do decide to enroll in SSST, you can help shape the future of SSST. I belong to the very first generation of SSST students and we wanted to be a part of something new and different. I believe our courage and enthusiasm brought many benefits. So it is with all new generations; any expectations you might have will only be fulfilled if you work hard on making them happen. Working hard is not easy, but it is rarely regretted."

Naida Dervišhalidović, SSST Graduate (BSc in Information Systems, minor in Economic)

“I have been one of the lucky candidates to experience what the Czech Government Scholarship has to offer. My success in the Information Management MSc. program fully reflects the skills and knowledge I have gained at one of the most prestigious schools in Bosnia and Herzegovina - SSST. I cannot wait to be part of this amazing institution once again with an MSc degree pinned to my name.”

Nermin Ćatović, SSST Graduate (BSc in Computer Science, minor in Electrical Engineering)

"My undergraduate thesis research “Virtual Reconstruction of the Orthodox Cathedral of the Holy Trinity in Mostar” was funded by the Embassy of Greece and, through collaboration with the SSST’s DCM Centre and Computer Science Department, grew into a research project that was presented at numerous international conferences. I am currently doing my masters’ research at SSST, about the impact of the ICTs on the performance of the agro-food market in BiH. My research is supported by the British Scholarship Trust Fund, and the USAID funded project FARMA. Aside from my studies, I am pursuing a career in international development. My message to prospective and current students is: be thoughtful when selecting your university and your field of study. This decision will have significant impact on your future. Every effort during your studies will count – so volunteer, do internships, take the initiative, and unselfishly share your knowledge and skills! All this will lead you towards a successful career and a fulfilling personal life.”

Zana Karkin, SSST Graduate (BSc in Information Systems, minor in Economics)

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